Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mmmmm....Dave Matthews Band.

I mean *REALLY* LOVE them!
Allow me to enlighten you, dear reader, on the reasons I oh so love them.

First and for most, the music. Nothing makes me think of summer like DMB, prob. cause the first time I saw them in concert was in June 1996 with my friend Mindy. We saw them in Columbus, sitting out in the lawn, on blankets, enjoying the warm June evening with other late teen/early 20 college kids. It was so enjoyable. Now when I listen to them, I am always transported to that time and place again...when I was 18, newly married, not a care in the world, enjoying a great concert by one of my favorite band with one of my oldest friends on a sweet summer evening.

Secondly, Dave's voice.
Seriously...*swoon* He could make the want adds sexy!

Lyrics are oh so important to me to connect to a song. Something in the song lyrics has to move me to make me fall in love with a song. DMB does that time and time again for me...I get the lyrics, they cause an emotional response in me.

Sometimes they bring back some very good memories...

Kiss me oh won't you kiss me now
And sleep I would inside your mouth

Don't be us too shy
Knowing it's no big surprise
That I will wait for you
I will wait for no one but you

*smiles*...oh the memories :)

So basically I loved them since I was 16 years old...16 years now...don't see that changing in the least.